To find what you need quickly, sort the practices by age level and duration.
Purpose Compass
A process for helping students generate purposeful projects or endeavors
Listening to Music Mindfully
Students listen to a song or piece of music and observe their responses.
I See You. Everyone Matters.
Acknowledge the faces of everyone in your classroom or meeting to deepen a sense of group connection.
Flow and Tell
In this circle activity, students practice mindful speaking and mindful listening.
Shake It Off
Students observe their breath while relaxing and tensing their bodies, and then practice shaking and freezing their bodies.
“The Guest House” Poem and Body Scan for Teens
Students learn to observe and accept emotions and body sensations.
Mindful Movement for Teens
Students learn to notice body sensations and release sources of physical tension.
SOBER Breathing Space for Teens
Students briefly check-in with themselves and focus their attention on their breath.
Feeling Connected for Students
Students think about a time when they felt close to someone in order to foster a sense of belonging and well-being.
Encouraging Prosocial Actions in Students
Students engage in prosocial (kind, helpful) actions for ten days and reflect on the impact of their actions on themselves and others.
Creating Art Through Contemplative Practice
Students grow their self-understanding through a contemplative art process that uses their own “scrapbook” of meaningful images.
Contemplative Writing
Students explore their thoughts, emotions, or ideas by freewriting on a topic of their choosing, an academic-related question, or an ethical dilemma.
Contemplative Reading
Students read a text slowly and reflect on its personal meaning for them.
Breath-Counting Mindfulness Practice for Tweens and Teens
Students redirect their attention to their breath each time their minds wander.
Fostering Empathy Through Literature (Middle School & High School)
A list of discussion questions to help cultivate students’ empathy.
Reducing Test Anxiety Through Art
Help students calm themselves through a short coloring exercise.
2 x 10: Getting to Know A Student
Build positive relationships with students in 2 minutes a day.
Developing a Growth Mindset About People’s Ability to Change
Reduce student anxiety by changing students’ beliefs about social challenges.
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