Discover the science of well-being and connect with educators around the world in our free monthly community meetings!
Upcoming Meetings

Teaching in Troubling Times: A Conversation with Parker J. Palmer
Learn how to sustain hope and courage with Parker J. Palmer, a world-renowned writer, speaker, and activist.
Past Meetings
Thanks for joining us! Click through for recaps and resources from our past meetings.
We Belong to Each Other: The Science of Bridging Differences with Juliana Tafur
Learn how to bring people together and bridge our differences in schools.
Being at Peace with “No”: The Science of Forgiveness with Lauren Trout
Discover the ways in which forgiveness may (or may not) be a precondition for engaging in restorative practice and working toward healing.
Admitting That You May Be Wrong: The Science of Intellectual Humility
Learn how to build humble, open-minded learning experiences—for yourself and your students.
Perspective Receiving versus Taking: The Science of Empathy
Learn strategies to receive, honor, hold, and respect others’ perspectives.

Do you want to dive deeper into the science behind our GGIE practices? Enroll in one of our online courses for educators!