To find what you need quickly, sort the practices by age level and duration.

It's Up to Us to Stick Our Necks Out
Students hear and share inspiring stories compassionate risk-takers and then develop their own service project.

Who Are Your Heroes?
Through stories, discussion, and creative presentations about true heroes, students foster their compassion for others and see brave community involvement as an admirable, heroic way of life.

Strategies for Teaching Fearless SEL for Societal Change
Ways to use SEL for cultivating youth agency and civic engagement

Check for Understanding Circle
Use the Circle process to encourage students to safely and respectfully share their level of understanding on an academic topic.

Check-in Circle for Community Building
Use the Circle process to build a sense of connection among students and staff by sharing moods, feelings, and moments of joy and pain.

Self-Care Circle
Use the Circle process to encourage self-care among staff and students in all dimensions.

The SEL 3 Signature Practices
A tool for fostering a supportive and equitable classroom and school environment and for promoting SEL.

Scientific Body Scan Visualization
Students practice appreciating the body’s processes in a deeply mindful way.

Teaching Senior Citizens About Technology
Students forge intergenerational relationships while strengthening their digital citizenship and troubleshooting skills.

Affirming Important Values
A quick reflection tool to help when you feel defensive or threatened

Questions of Wonder
Build trust and understanding among students by exploring questions of wonder.

Mindfully Creating Positive Relationships with Students
A short practice for mindfully exploring your emotional experience when you help a student

The World is a Dance
Students use dance to learn about the world and celebrate diversity.

Getting to Know Each Other Through Dance
Students practice their social skills with each other while learning a new dance move

Understanding Universe of Obligation
Students explore how groups, communities, and nations define who belongs and who does not, and how these decisions are made.

Responding to Differences
Students explore how our beliefs about differences influence the ways in which we see and choose to interact with each other.

From Sympathy to Action
Students think about the factors that encourage and discourage people to act when they confront suffering or injustice.

Four Corners
An interactive learning strategy that helps students clarify their own ideas and hear other perspectives—while getting them out of their seats.

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