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Module 8.7 Empathy for Students

Module 8.8 Mindfulness for Students

Module 8.9 Humility for Students

Module 8.10 Forgiveness for Students

Module 8.11 Hope for Students

Using Art to Build Bridges
Students engage in art to reflect on and practice perspective-giving and taking skills.

Courage Blooms
Recognize and name emotions that can lead to acts of courage.

Exploring Intellectual Humility through Astronomical Discoveries
Students reflect on the power of intellectual humility to shape our view of the world.

Inspiring Climate Awareness Through Gratitude
Students consider the impact of climate change on something they love in nature.

Courage Challenge
Students explore and enact the character strengths that undergird courage: honesty, zest, perseverance, and bravery.

Identifying Acts of Courage
Students reflect on various definitions and acts of courage—and consider why they think courage is important.

Courageous and Compassionate Citizens
Students foster courage to collectively problem solve.

Developing the Courage to Speak Up
Foster moral courage by reflecting on when and how to speak up against prejudice.

Finding Awe in Collective Acts of Kindness
Inspire students to kindness through the “collective effervescence” of animals

Contemplating Awe-Inspiring Systems
Experience the vast interconnectedness of our world

Creating Musical Playlists for the Classroom
Experience music together to inspire awe, cultivate an awareness of emotions, and craft connection in the classroom.

Take-Home Skill: Listening to Your Teen with Compassion
Help parents/caregivers and teens develop compassionate listening skills and strengthen their relationship.

Take-Home Skill: Expanding What’s Culturally Familiar— Broadening Your Sense of “We”
Grow teens’ understanding and sense of comfort with diverse cultural identities, helping to foster a sense of civil courage

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