To find what you need quickly, sort the practices by age level and duration.
Be the Change: Performing Acts of Kindness
Students identify ways they can practice “random acts of kindness.”
What's the Tint of Your Glasses?
Students learn how our different backgrounds give us different perspectives.
Put Down the Put-Downs
Create class community by brainstorming ways to stop put-downs.
Crooked Circle: A Game for Building Trust
A game involving balance and teamwork that helps build trust.
Students build trust and inclusion through a quick and fun game that reveals their commonalities.
Discovering Your Strengths and Talents
Students reach out to trusted adults to ask what they think are students’ strengths and talents. (Purpose Challenge Practice #1)
Man’s Search for Meaning
Students reflect on a Viktor Frankl quote about why meaning in life is important. (Purpose Challenge Practice #3)
Magic Wand
Students describe their ideal world and how they might contribute to creating that world. (Purpose Challenge Practice #2)
Exploring Your Personal Values
Students explore and reflect on their values. (Purpose Challenge Practice #4)
Best Possible Self
Students imagine their lives at 40. (Purpose Challenge Practice #5)
Create a Purpose Tattoo
Students design a tattoo that symbolizes the things that matter most to them. (Purpose Challenge Practice #6)
Purpose Quotes Reflection
Students choose a quote about purpose and reflect on why it resonates with them. (Purpose Challenge Practice #7)
Setting Long-Term Goals
Students write about making long-term goals a reality. (Purpose Challenge Practice #8)
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