Man’s Search for Meaning
Students watch a short video of a celebrity describing his life purpose, and then reflect on a Viktor Frankl quote about why meaning in life is important. (Purpose Challenge Practice #3)
Students watch a short video of a celebrity describing his life purpose, and then reflect on a Viktor Frankl quote about why meaning in life is important. (Purpose Challenge Practice #3)
Students will:
Take a moment to reflect on where you find meaning in life. How does what you reflected on give you strength to bear the challenges in life?
The Purpose Challenge Toolkit was created by Dr. Kendall Cotton-Bronk in partnership with the Greater Good Science Center and Prosocial. For more information, visit www.purposechallenge.org
How did students respond to this practice? Did they find it helpful in helping them decide what their purpose might be?
A study of almost 2,000 Romanian adolescents found that having a sense of meaning in life both increases psychological well-being and protects teens from risky behavior, such as drug and alcohol use, sexual activity, and unhealthy exercise and eating habits.
Having meaning in life means that one’s life makes sense and matters — relationships, spirituality, attaining goals, and/or having a purpose (i.e., engaging in something larger than oneself) can all contribute to one’s sense of meaning. Like purpose, meaning in life is associated with a myriad of health and psychological benefits.
While meaning and purpose are separate constructs in research, scientists have found that they can inform one another. For example, knowing where one finds meaning in life can give clues as to how a person might use their gifts to make a positive contribution to the world (purpose). Giving students opportunities to reflect on both meaning and purpose sets them on the path to creating thriving and fulfilling lives.
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