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Cool Kid: An SEL Kernels Practice for Sixth Grade
A routine for celebrating each student in your class
Sing It with Style: An SEL Kernels Brain Game
A game to develop students’ self-control by managing how they sing a familiar song
Wait for It: An SEL Kernels Brain Game
A game to develop students’ self-control by waiting before doing a series of motions.
Simon Says: An SEL Kernels Brain Game
A game to develop students’ self-control by listening for a key phrase before doing an action
Silly Stories: An SEL Kernels Brain Game
A game to develop students’ self-control by doing the correct (silly) motion instead of the automatic one
Freeze Feelings: An SEL Kernels Brain Game
A game to develop students’ self-control by stopping themselves from moving or dancing when the music stops
Wiggle Cool Down: An SEL Kernels Brain Game
A game to develop students’ memory and attention by remembering a series of motions and doing them in the correct order
What is Missing? An SEL Kernels Brain Game
A game to develop students’ memory and attention by keeping track of objects in order to tell which one is missing
Shipwreck: An SEL Kernels Brain Game
A game to develop students’ memory and attention by remembering what motions accompany each phrase, and doing them correctly quickly
Name Game: An SEL Kernels Brain Game
A game to develop student’s memory and attention by remembering what each person has said and repeating it in the correct order
Zip, Zap, Zop: An SEL Kernels Brain Game
A game to cultivate students’ focus and attention by knowing when it is their turn and the right thing to say
Who Stole the Honey Pot? An SEL Kernels Brain Game
A game to build students’ focus and attention by listening carefully to hear who stole the honey pot
My Hat Has 3 Corners: An SEL Kernels Brain Game
A game to build students’ focus and attention by remembering when to use motions instead of words.
I Spy: An SEL Kernels Brain Game
A game to build students’ focus and attention by practicing careful looking to find the object that another person is thinking of
Brain Games for "Stop and Think Power": A Set of SEL Kernels Practices
Introduce students to “Stop and Think Power,” or the ability to control impulses and to “think before you act.”
Brain Games for "Focus Power": A Set of SEL Kernels Practices
Introduce students to “Focus Power,” or the ability to sustain attention and ignore distractions when needed.
Hocus Pocus, Everybody Focus: An SEL Kernels Brain Game
A game to cultivate students’ focus and attention by listening carefully and remembering the right motion
Brain Games: A Set of SEL Kernels Practices
Students practice and build executive function skills in whole-class games.
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