Planning For It

Students’ lives can feel overwhelming. As they grow up, young people experience changing brains and bodies, expanding social lives, and mounting school pressures with each new year. Currently, with added stressors like climate change, social media, political unrest, and economic struggles, young people face a lot of “turbulence.”

Prasad Mahes once said “The mind is like water. When it’s turbulent, it’s difficult to see. When it’s calm, everything becomes clear.”

Mindfulness offers a tool – a practice and a habit of mind that has the potential to help young people calm the storm and find the pauses, the breaths, between a whirlwind of stimuli and their reactions to it.

Researchers define mindfulness as the awareness that arises when we intentionally pay attention in a kind, open, and discerning way. When we are mindful, we focus on the present moment non-judgmentally.

The concept of mindfulness, rooted in ancient Eastern contemplative traditions, predates modern research and was popularized as a secular practice in the 1990s by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn’s work on Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), eventually making its way into the field of education – with a growing number of mindfulness programs emerging for young people.

Although research continues on mindfulness practices and programs with youth, many studies to date reveal mindfulness as a promising path towards enhanced well-being and effective stress reduction strategies for students in school.


Spark Interest

Choose one of the following videos to follow along with:


  • How did it feel for you to follow along with one of these practices? What physical or mental shifts did you notice, if any?
  • Can you see bringing something like this to your students? What challenges could you see with this practice? How might you mitigate them?


Learning Objectives

In this module we will:

  • Understand the definition, origins, and components of mindfulness
  • Recognize the social and emotional benefits of mindfulness for young people
  • Explore ways to introduce and practice mindfulness with young people in your classroom

Module Resources


This toolkit includes additional resources, including classroom lessons and practices organized by developmental level, staff meeting activities, videos, podcasts, articles, and professional learning opportunities, as well as supporting materials for group facilitation on the topics of "Mindfulness for Adults" and “Mindfulness for Students”.

Individual Exploration

Mindfulness is both a practice and a way of relating to life.

Researchers define it as the awareness that arises when we intentionally pay attention in a kind, open, and discerning way. When we are mindful, we focus on the present moment non-judgmentally. Mindfulness has the potential to equip young people with essential tools to manage stress, enhance concentration, and navigate school and their social lives with greater resilience.


What is Mindfulness?

In this first segment, learn about the origins of the concept of mindfulness, how it is defined by researchers, and how it relates to students’ lives at school. [12:03]


  • What challenges or concerns do you anticipate when introducing mindfulness to your students, and how can you address these to ensure the practices are effective and inclusive for all?
  • How do you think mindfulness could support your students this year?


Why is Mindfulness Important for Students?

In this next video, learn what researchers have discovered about how mindfulness can benefit students. [4:48]


  • What role do you believe mindfulness practices could play in cultivating a sense of community and empathy among students in your classroom or school?


How to Bring Mindfulness to the Classroom

In this final video, learn how educators can intentionally cultivate trauma-informed mindfulness practices—for students. [16:25]


  • As you consider your students and their ages and backgrounds, which 2-3 practices can you see yourself trying out with them? Is there any scaffolding or preparation you might need to do beforehand to help students engage fully in these practices?

Links from video (in order of videos)

8.8 Take It Deeper: Integrating Mindfulness Into a Lesson (fillable PDF)

A worksheet to help you plan for how you might bring a “mindful moment” into a classroom lesson.

Module Resources


This toolkit includes additional resources, including classroom lessons and practices organized by developmental level, staff meeting activities, videos, podcasts, articles, and professional learning opportunities, as well as supporting materials for group facilitation on the topics of "Mindfulness for Adults" and “Mindfulness for Students”.


A worksheet to help you plan for how you might bring a “mindful moment” into a classroom lesson.

Group Facilitation

Before facilitating groups, spend time in individual exploration in order to experience and embody the learning. And if you haven’t yet explored our introduction to SEL in California, make sure you explore those resources.

Module Resources


This toolkit includes additional resources, including classroom lessons and practices, staff meeting activities, videos, podcasts, articles, and professional learning opportunities, as well as supporting materials for group facilitation on the topics of "Mindfulness for Adults" and “Mindfulness for Students.”


A revisable, turnkey powerpoint slide deck to use for professional learning sessions on the topic of "Mindfulness for Students".


A powerpoint slide deck with welcoming and closing activities to include in professional learning sessions.


A worksheet to help you plan for how you might bring a “mindful moment” into a classroom lesson.

“The mind is like water. When it’s turbulent, it’s difficult to see. When it’s calm, everything becomes clear.”
–Prasad Mahes
Enroll in one of our online courses

Do you want to dive deeper into the science behind our GGIE practices? Enroll in one of our online courses for educators!