To find what you need quickly, sort the practices by age level and duration.

A Moment for Me: A Self-Compassion Break for Teens
Students learn how to comfort themselves during stressful times.

Mindful Poetry Moments
A daily mindfulness and poetry appreciation practice for the whole school or a single classroom

Earthrise: Bearing Witness to Our Planet
Students reflect on what it means to “bear witness” to something.

Earthrise: Fostering Awe
Students reflect on how the Earthrise photograph instills a sense of awe and wonder towards our planet.

Earthrise: Cultivating Global Citizenship
Students reflect on how the Earthrise photograph offered humans a new way to see the Earth: without borders or boundaries.

Earthrise: Instilling Reverence for the Earth
Students reflect on how the Earthrise photograph instills a sense of reverence and awe, encouraging us to be stewards of the Earth.

Modeling SEL for Students
Staff members brainstorm how they will intentionally model SEL in their interactions with students.

Why Do Good People Do Bad Things?
Students explore, reflect, and write about being an upstander rather than a bystander.

What Is A Flourishing Life?
Students explore and write about what makes a good life.

The Virtue of Good Sense
Students define and practice “good sense,” or the will and know-how to do the right thing.

Rhyming Body Scan for Young Children
Students practice noticing body sensations and relaxing body parts.

Mindful Seeing for Elementary Students
Students pay close attention to the experience of seeing while observing an object.

Mindful Music Moments
A daily mindfulness and music appreciation practice for the whole school or a single classroom

Reflecting on SEL Skills
Students discuss the SEL skills touched upon during the activity in which they have just participated.

Strategies for Increasing the Use of SEL Skills
A list of strategies for making explicit connections to SEL skills throughout the day in order to reinforce students’ practice of skills

Reading Ourselves Whole: A Contemplative Choral Reading Method
Lead a brief choral reading practice that fosters community and connection.

Mindful Listening for Students
Students learn to notice sounds, their beginnings and endings, and the silent spaces between each sound.

Making Families Feel Welcome
Simple ways for teachers, principals, and staff members to help families of all backgrounds feel welcome in the school community

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