Module Introduction

Educators, school leaders, policymakers, grantmakers, and school support organizations need to work together to create equitable schools where all students are seen and accepted in their full humanity. A key part of this work requires us to note where equity is present and where it is lacking and to change, as necessary, our systems, policies, and procedures.

In this module, we will:

  • Examine detours that can prevent a classroom or school from achieving racial equity
  • Assess the classroom and/or school’s systems, policies, and procedures and their effectiveness in achieving equity

Module Resources


This toolkit includes additional resources, including classroom lessons and practices, staff meeting activities, videos, podcasts, articles, and professional development opportunities, as well as supporting materials for group facilitation on the topic of "Committing to Racial Equity and Cultural Responsiveness".

Individual Exploration

First, let’s explore a case study. In A Case Study on Systemic Change (7:09), The Center on Culture, Race & Equity at Bank Street College of Education partnered with District of Columbia Public Schools to address educational disparities for Black boys through professional development with school staff.

Addressing such disparities requires an understanding of barriers, or detours, that can prevent a classroom or school from achieving equity. Read Avoiding Racial Equity Detours by Paul Gorski.

Next, deepen your understanding of ideologies related to equity. In the following video, “Ideologies of Inequality: Toward a Structural View”, Paul Gorski provides a short discussion about deficit ideology, grit ideology, and structural ideology, and how they guide or misguide effective educational policy and practice.


  • Do you think your school or district engages in any equity detours?
  • How might you reexamine such initiatives in light of Gorski’s equity literacy principles?
  • Do you agree with Gorski’s point that schools “must prioritize equity over the comfort of reluctant educators”? What would this mean in your school or district?

Take It Deeper: Evaluating Equitable Learning Conditions
Let’s assess the current reality of equity in our classrooms and schools, and brainstorm steps we can take to adjust our systems, policies, and procedures. Here is a downloadable guide to help you.


This toolkit includes additional resources, including classroom lessons and practices, staff meeting activities, videos, podcasts, articles, and professional development opportunities, as well as supporting materials for group facilitation on the topic of "Committing to Racial Equity and Cultural Responsiveness".


Assess the current reality of equity in your classrooms and schools, and brainstorm steps you can take to adjust your systems, policies, and procedures.

Group Facilitation

Before facilitating groups, spend time in individual exploration in order to experience and embody the learning. And if you haven’t yet explored our introduction to SEL in California, make sure you explore those resources, too.

When facilitating groups, use the following resources:


This toolkit includes additional resources, including classroom lessons and practices, staff meeting activities, videos, podcasts, articles, and professional development opportunities, as well as supporting materials for group facilitation on the topic of "Committing to Racial Equity and Cultural Responsiveness".


A revisable, turnkey powerpoint slide deck to use for professional learning sessions on the topic of "Committing to Racial Equity and Cultural Responsiveness".


A powerpoint slide deck with welcoming and closing activities to include in professional learning sessions.


Assess the current reality of equity in your classrooms and schools, and brainstorm steps you can take to adjust your systems, policies, and procedures.

Enroll in one of our online courses

Do you want to dive deeper into the science behind our GGIE practices? Enroll in one of our online courses for educators!