Module Introduction
Many of us may be pretty good at extending kindness and compassion to our students and friends, but what about ourselves? How do you treat yourself after a challenging interaction with a student or colleague? Are you kind? Do you mentally beat yourself up?
Jack Kornfield reminds us, “If your compassion doesn’t include yourself, it is incomplete.” Self-compassionate people tend to be more motivated, more healthy (mentally and physically) and less likely to experience burnout.
In this module we will…
- Identify the elements of self-compassion and the research behind it
- Differentiate self-compassion from self-esteem
- Consider how self-compassion can actually calm our nervous systems
- Experience a self-compassion practice
Module Resources
This toolkit includes additional resources, including classroom lessons and practices, staff meeting activities, videos, podcasts, articles, and professional learning opportunities, as well as supporting materials for group facilitation on the topic of "Caring for Ourselves: The Science of Emotional Resilience".
Individual Exploration
Review the videos and reflective practice exercise to explore how to be kind to yourself.
Practicing Self-Compassion
Review the following video resources (narrated by Amy L. Eva, PhD, Associate Education Director, Greater Good Science Center):
What is Self-Compassion?
What are Some of the Benefits of Self-Compassion?
Try a Practice: Self-Compassion Break
After exploring the videos, reflect on the following questions:
- How would you describe self-compassion?
- Which elements of self-compassion do you resonate with most (e.g., mindfulness, common humanity, kindness)? Why?
- What is something you are experiencing that you might consider as common to humanity right now? What emotions are coming up for you around that? What would you say to a friend to support him or her? Turn that around, and now say that to yourself.
1.3 Take it Deeper: Being Kind to Yourself in Professional Experiences
It’s important learn how to be kind to yourself in challenging situations. Complete the “Being Kind to Yourself in Professional Experiences” reflection activity, linked below.
The next time you experience a challenge, remind yourself to pause and draw on the three steps for practicing self-compassion (mindfulness, common humanity, and kindness toward yourself). Work through the three steps in your mind, or on paper, if the situation allows.
At the end of the day, evaluate:
- Consider neuroplasticity (the brain’s lifelong ability to be shaped by experience). When you make a mistake or feel you are struggling or even failing, how are you ‘training your brain’ to respond?
- Based on what we explored in this module, how could you train your brain differently?
Module Resources
This toolkit includes additional resources, including classroom lessons and practices, staff meeting activities, videos, podcasts, articles, and professional learning opportunities, as well as supporting materials for group facilitation on the topic of "Caring for Ourselves: The Science of Emotional Resilience".
A reflection activity to help you practice self-kindness in professional settings.
Group Facilitation
Before facilitating groups, spend time in individual exploration in order to experience and embody the learning. And if you haven’t yet explored our introduction to SEL in California, make sure you explore those resources, too.
When facilitating groups, use the following resources:
This toolkit includes additional resources, including classroom lessons and practices, staff meeting activities, videos, podcasts, articles, and professional learning opportunities, as well as supporting materials for group facilitation on the topic of "Caring for Ourselves: The Science of Emotional Resilience".
A revisable, turnkey powerpoint slide deck to use for professional learning sessions on the topic of "Caring for Ourselves: The Science of Emotional Resilience".
A powerpoint slide deck with welcoming and closing activities to include in professional learning sessions.
A reflection activity to help you practice self-kindness in professional settings.
Additional Modules
Caring for Ourselves: The Science of Emotional Resilience

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