To find what you need quickly, sort the practices by age level and duration.
Flow and Tell
In this circle activity, students practice mindful speaking and mindful listening.
Shake It Off
Students observe their breath while relaxing and tensing their bodies, and then practice shaking and freezing their bodies.
Drawing as a Way to Manage Emotions
Students experience drawing as a strategy that can help shift unpleasant emotions to calmer, more pleasant ones.
Building Perseverance Through Role-Play
Use drama as a way to motivate students to stick with boring or difficult tasks.
Be Like Nature: Mindfulness for Young Children
Students go outside and experience mindfulness linked to elements of nature.
Barefoot Walk: A Mindful Movement Practice
Students feel the earth under their feet in this mindful movement practice.
Wishes for the World: A Loving-kindness Activity
Students send kindness and good wishes to others.
Fostering Empathy Through Literature (Elementary Level)
A list of discussion questions to help cultivate students’ empathy.
2 x 10: Getting to Know A Student
Build positive relationships with students in 2 minutes a day.
Helping Students to Do Better Next Time
Students brainstorm ways to self-correct after saying or doing the wrong thing.
Rock-a-bye: Mindful Breathing for Elementary Students
Students learn to relax their bodies and quiet their minds.
Noticing Kindness
Students identify ways that they have acted with kindness towards others.
Caring Intentions: Being Kind to Others
Students consider the intentions of characters in a story who are kind to others.
Dialogue Journals for Elementary Students
Teachers and students converse with each other through letter writing.
Giving Thanks
Students define gratitude and name things they’re grateful for.
Looking for Gratitude in School
Students walk silently around school, noticing people they are grateful for and telling them so.
Gratitude Journal for Students
Students write five things they’re grateful for once a day for two weeks.
Gratitude Letter for Students
Students write a letter of thanks and deliver it in person.
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