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Say “We” to Nurture Collaboration in Students
Use language to help orient students toward cooperation.
Inspiring Students to Help
Use language that sparks helpfulness in students.
Literacy Book Bags to Encourage Courage
Use stories to encourage students’ courageous behavior in school and at home
Behind Your Back
Foster positive relationships by speaking kindly about someone “behind their back.”
Nurturing Students’ Wonder and Curiosity
Tap into students’ questions and and encourage them to wonder about the world around them.
Take-Home Skill: Nurturing Children’s Wonder and Curiosity
A list of strategies for parents and caregivers that encourage their children to explore the world around them
Promoting Perspective-Taking Through the Use of Literature
Review and expand your classroom or school library with books that represent diverse backgrounds.
Music to Inspire Kindness
Make music together to encourage generosity and helping behavior in young children.
Kindness Art for Students
Making art about kindness inspires students to be caring and generous.
The Oooh Aaah Song
Students use mindful breathing to regulate their emotions.
Encouraging Moral Character Through Language
Teachers will foster students’ moral identity through selective use of language in the classroom.
3-2-1 Bridge
Develop students’ intellectual humility through concept mapping
Random Acts of Kindness
Students practice kindness to increase their happiness
Family Business
Teachers and students create a safe space to develop strong relationships.
Designing the Classroom to Promote Kindness
Students provide input on changes that could be made to the classroom to subtly cue kind behavior.
Honesty Commitment for Students
Strategies to encourage and help students practice honesty
Good Group Work in Math
A norm-setting activity to help create an environment for productive, positive, and equitable group work in math class
Take-Home Skill: Making Amends for Kids
Strategies for parents and caregivers to help their children consider offering reparations as part of their apologies
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