To find what you need quickly, sort the practices by age level and duration.

Another Way of Saying Thanks
Students learn to say “thank you” in American Sign Language and brainstorm non-verbal ways to express gratitude.

Gratitude Mirror
Students deepen their understanding of gratitude by “embodying” it.

What If We Didn’t Have This
Students imagine what life would be like without certain things in our classrooms or schools.

Gratitude Nature Walk
Students take a mindful walk in nature, noting what they are grateful for, and create a collaborative art piece of their experience.

Giving is Receiving
Students reflect on acts of kindness and how they often require intention and effort on the part of the person who does them.

What Really Matters
Students identify what gets in the way of expressing gratitude.

What is Gratitude?
Students define gratitude and the many forms it takes.

Making a Difference
Students learn that when someone does something kind, it takes time and effort.

A Song of Gratitude
Students identify the many ways that exist to express gratitude.

Obstacles to Expressing Gratitude
Students explore ways to overcome what keeps us from expressing our thanks.

Gratitude Quotes
Students interpret and role-play a variety of quotes about gratitude.

The Cycle of Gratitude
Students learn how the positive emotions from gratitude create a cycle of giving.

Gratitude Interview
Students interview an older person about gratitude, deepening their own understanding of gratitude.

Flipping Complaints Into Gratitude
Students practice turning complaints into gratitude statements.

Be the Change: Performing Acts of Kindness
Students identify ways they can practice “random acts of kindness.”

What's the Tint of Your Glasses?
Students learn how our different backgrounds give us different perspectives.

Put Down the Put-Downs
Create class community by brainstorming ways to stop put-downs.

Magic Tag
A magical game of tag that promotes inclusion and teamwork.

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