To find what you need quickly, sort the practices by age level and duration.

Rock-a-bye: Mindful Breathing for Elementary Students
Students learn to relax their bodies and quiet their minds.

Developing a Growth Mindset About Bullies and Victims
Students shift their beliefs about people’s ability to change.

Developing a Growth Mindset About People’s Ability to Change
Reduce student anxiety by changing students’ beliefs about social challenges.

My Mind is a Cast of Characters: Exploring the Nature of Our Thoughts
Students learn how their thoughts can affect them.

Identifying Social-Emotional Learning Skills
School staff highlight which SEL skills were used during a meeting and share with others.

Noticing Kindness
Students identify ways that they have acted with kindness towards others.

Caring Intentions: Being Kind to Others
Students consider the intentions of characters in a story who are kind to others.

Dialogue Journals for Elementary Students
Teachers and students converse with each other through letter writing.

Dialogue Journals for High School Students
Teachers and students converse with each other through writing.

Dialogue Journals for Middle School Students
Teachers and students converse with each other through writing.

Gratitude for Our Food
Students express gratitude towards the many people whose efforts have brought them food.

Giving Thanks
Students define gratitude and name things they’re grateful for.

Gratitude for the Wider School Community
Staff members express gratitude for others in the school community.

Looking for Gratitude in School
Students walk silently around school, noticing people they are grateful for and telling them so.

Gratitude Journal for Students
Students write five things they’re grateful for once a day for two weeks.

Gratitude Letter for Students
Students write a letter of thanks and deliver it in person.

Discover Your Great Full Self
Students identify their strengths to increase self-understanding. (Gratitude for Tweens and Teens Lesson 1)

See the Good Challenge
Students recognize the costs and benefits involved in a kind act. (Gratitude for Tweens and Teens Lesson 2)

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