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Awe Is All Around Us
Experience awe through visual design.
Seeking Connection to Vastness
Foster well-being and connection by contemplating the magnitude of the universe.
Encouraging Awe and Wonder Through Questioning
Broaden students’ thinking about a topic or skill, sparking curiosity, creativity, humility, and open-mindedness
An AWE-some Mind-Map Practice
Expand students’ thinking through awe
Finding Awe Through Our Senses
Engage, motivate, and calm students by cultivating awe through sensory experiences.
Take-Home Skill: Stories About Overcoming Bias for Kids
Help kids rethink prejudice and connect across differences.
Finishing Math Word Problems
Students “finish” math problems by making connections between solutions to problems and everyday life.
Behind Your Back
Foster positive relationships by speaking kindly about someone “behind their back.”
Inspiring Awe
Broaden students’ thinking and connection to something larger than themselves.
Take-Home Skill: Nurturing Children’s Wonder and Curiosity
A list of strategies for parents and caregivers that encourage their children to explore the world around them
Promoting Perspective-Taking Through the Use of Literature
Review and expand your classroom or school library with books that represent diverse backgrounds.
Kindness Art for Students
Making art about kindness inspires students to be caring and generous.
Reflecting on Moral Dilemmas with Practical Wisdom
Students cultivate practical wisdom by working through a moral dilemma and deciding on a course of action.
Good Listening: A Path Towards Greater Humility
Students cultivate greater humility by practicing good listening skills.
The Pendulum
Students learn to manage their emotions in a healthy way by identifying the people and places that influence changes in their emotions.
Encouraging Moral Character Through Language
Teachers will foster students’ moral identity through selective use of language in the classroom.
Reminders that Encourage Moral Character Strengths
Foster students’ moral identity through story writing.
Introduction to Forgiveness
Students explore what forgiveness is and what it is not.
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