Stories of Moral Beauty
At the start or end of staff meetings, staff members notice and acknowledge acts of moral beauty performed by students and staff, promoting an awe-inspiring atmosphere and building a positive school culture.
At the start or end of staff meetings, staff members notice and acknowledge acts of moral beauty performed by students and staff, promoting an awe-inspiring atmosphere and building a positive school culture.
School staff will:
Dacher Keltner, Ph.D, University of California Berkeley.
Awe: the New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life. New York: Penguin Press.
Witnessing moral beauty can elicit both awe and a sense of elevation—a warm, expansive feeling in the chest area–making us feel more connected to others and inspiring us to become better people. In a study involving 5,380 adults in the United States found that engaging with moral beauty is related to people’s initial heightened sense of connectedness, making them more likely to show care and benevolence towards others. Researchers have also discovered that watching a video of a morally-inspiring individual, compared to watching a humorous or non-emotional video, was linked to more prosocial behavior.
Promoting positive relationships among staff members is conducive to a healthy school climate that impacts teachers and students alike. Positive school environments have been found to enhance teachers’ satisfaction and commitment, which consequently promotes a school climate that improves students’ academic achievement.
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