A collection of SEL lessons for high school students that can be adapted for online learning

Check-in Circle for Community Building
Use the Circle process to build a sense of connection among students and staff by sharing moods, feelings, and moments of joy and pain.

Encouraging Prosocial Actions in Students
Students engage in prosocial (kind, helpful) actions for ten days and reflect on the impact of their actions on themselves and others.

Contemplative Reading
Students read a text slowly and reflect on its personal meaning for them.

Contemplative Writing
Students explore their thoughts, emotions, or ideas by freewriting on a topic of their choosing, an academic-related question, or an ethical dilemma.

Developing a Growth Mindset About People’s Ability to Change
Reduce student anxiety by changing students’ beliefs about social challenges.

Earthrise: Fostering Awe
Students reflect on how the Earthrise photograph instills a sense of awe and wonder towards our planet.

Magic Wand
Students describe their ideal world and how they might contribute to creating that world. (Purpose Challenge Practice #2)

Pleasant Events Calendar for Students
Help students plan enjoyable activities as a form of self-care

What Is A Flourishing Life?
Students explore and write about what makes a good life.