What's the Tint of Your Glasses?
Students learn how different perspectives result from different backgrounds, building acceptance and valuing differences.
Students learn how different perspectives result from different backgrounds, building acceptance and valuing differences.
Students will:
Take a moment to reflect on the different backgrounds of your students. How is your background similar to/different from their backgrounds? In what ways do you show students that you value these differences, recognizing that they provide a multitude of perspectives?
Peace Learning Circless is a community building process—a culture and active learning pedagogy. For information about the entire curriculum, see visit the organization site..
Gibbs, Jeanne. (2007). Discovering Gifts in Middle School: Learning in a Caring Culture Called Tribes. Windsor, CA: CenterSource Systems. (Additional books are available for elementary and high school levels.)
Do you notice if students are more open to others’ views after engaging in this practice? Do they actively wonder how someone with a different background might see a situation?
Numerous studies have shown that perspective-taking—or actively considering another person’s point of view—is a powerful method for bridging divides between people of diverse backgrounds.
For example, perspective-taking has been found to cultivate positive attitudes towards not just one person in an “outgroup”, but also towards other members of that person’s group, and the group as a whole—with lasting effects.
Hence, a white student might benefit from understanding the perspective of an African-American student, or someone the white student considers consciously or unconsciously to be a member of an “outgroup.” In addition, researchers have discovered that considering another’s viewpoint increases one’s willingness to help people in an outgroup and to take action on that group’s behalf.
In today’s society where divisions by race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, and many other identities cause so much heartache, schools have an important role to play in bridging those divides. In addition to the long-term benefits of actual societal transformation, in the more immediate term, providing opportunities for students to connect with and understand each other can help cultivate a classroom and school climate where students feel safe and that they belong.
Do you want to dive deeper into the science behind our GGIE practices? Enroll in one of our online courses for educators!