Making Families Feel Welcome
A research-based list of methods for helping families of all backgrounds feel welcome in the school community
A research-based list of methods for helping families of all backgrounds feel welcome in the school community
Staff will:
To help families feel welcome at your school, use the below list (derived from a large group of diverse parents and caregivers across five school districts) as a springboard for discussion with teachers and staff.
Front office staff:
School Leaders:
Siegel, A., Esqueda, M., Berkowitz, R., Sullivan, K., Astor, R. A., & Benbenishty, R. (2019). Welcoming parents to their child’s school: Practices supporting students with diverse needs and backgrounds. Education and Urban Society, 51(6), 756-784.
A study of over 1,000 diverse preK through 12th grade parents and caregivers across five school districts asked what schools had done to make them feel welcome and unwelcome.
Responses showed that there are specific actions that schools can take to welcome families, including improving the positive attitude of school employees, simplifying the school registration process, offering welcoming activities, providing opportunities for special needs students, taking action against bullying, recognizing the needs of military families, and appreciating diversity.
Parents and caregivers are a child’s first teachers, and schools and teachers can benefit tremendously from their insight into a student’s needs, interests, habits, etc. In addition, research shows that parental involvement in schools boosts students’ academic and social-emotional outcomes, and improves the school climate overall.
Yet, oftentimes parents and caregivers need to know that their insight and help are needed and wanted by schools, especially if they come from backgrounds that do not match the dominant culture of the school. Thus, it is up to the schools to make the effort to reach out and welcome parents into what can be a robust and fruitful partnership.
As the research demonstrates, there are many ways for schools to encourage family involvement–and sometimes all it takes is a friendly smile to welcome them in.
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