Maurice J. Elias, Ph.D., is Professor, Psychology Department, Rutgers University, Director, Social-Emotional and Character Development Lab, Co-Director of the Academy for SEL in Schools, which offers online certificates in SEL Instruction and School Leadership (SELinSchools.org), and a member of the Leadership Team for SEL4NJ and SEL4US. He received the Joseph E. Zins Memorial Senior Scholar Award for Social-Emotional Learning from CASEL and the Sanford McDonnell Award for Lifetime Achievement in Character Education. Maurice is a past winner of the Lela Rowland Prevention Award, the Ernest McMahon Class of 1930 Award for service to New Jersey, and the American Psychological Association/Society for Community Research and Action’s Distinguished Contribution to Practice and Ethnic Minority Mentoring awards. He writes a blog on SECD for Edutopia and can be reached at secdlab@gmail.com. Twitter handles are @SELinSchools and @SECDLab.