About the Greater Good Educators Program

This new program from UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center provides educators an opportunity to explore the science and practical application of individual and collective well-being, helping to support the development of schools and classrooms where both students and adults thrive.
As part of the program, educators engage with three self-paced learning modules around well-being topics, implement a practice of their choice in their classroom or school, and join a small group of other educators from around the world in a synchronous online community of practice to discuss the module content, implementation experiences, learnings, and wonderings with one another. To ensure accessibility for all, this is a donation-based program. Space is limited.

Who this program is for:

  • Classroom teachers (preK-12)
  • School site administrators
  • Social-emotional learning (SEL) school-based specialists
  • School mental health professionals and counselors
  • Pre-service educators
  • Para-educators
  • Teacher educators

In the program, educators will:

  • Discover three science-based online learning modules.
  • Join up to seven virtual community of practice sessions to discuss and practice the module content with other educators, explore its application in classrooms and schools to enhance learning and adult and student well-being, and share strategies to overcome challenges and obstacles.
  • Move at their pace through a rich resource bank of materials ranging from short videos about the science and practice of the topic, turnkey research-based practices, articles, podcasts, and more!
  • Gain ongoing support and personal guidance from Greater Good Science Center’s education team.

2024-2025 Cohorts

Our Education Program is offering several cohorts through the school year. Educators are welcome to apply to join one cohort or apply to join them all for unique learning experiences and new learning modules. When applying for a cohort, they will choose one virtually-facilitated community of practice session to best fit their schedules.
Community One: Tuesday 3:30-5 pm PT
September 24, October 8, October 22*, November 5, November 19*, December 3, December 17*
Community Two: Thursday 9-10:30 am PT
September 26, October 10, October 24*, November 7, November 21*, December 5, December 19*
*These optional meetings take a deeper dive into the topic and provide additional time for Q&A about your specific projects. 
Community One: Tuesday 3:30-5 pm PT
January 14, January 28, February 11, February 25, March 11*, March 25, April 8*
Community Two: Thursday 9-10:30 am PT
January 16, January 30, February 13*, February 27, March 13*, March 27, April 10*
*These optional meetings take a deeper dive into the topic and provide additional time for Q&A about your specific projects.
Learn more about the benefits of the program in What Teachers Really Need to Thrive and stay tuned for new cohorts.