Welcome to Greater Good in Education, a free resource hub for educators from UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center. Learn how to build happier, kinder schools and classrooms where everyone belongs through our growing collection of free practices for educators and students.
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Featured Practices

Courage Creatures
Students use their creativity to explore what courage can look like and feel like.

Understanding Prejudice Through Paper Plate Portraits
Students identify others' assumptions about them and then describe who they really are on the inside.

Making Families Feel Welcome
Simple ways for teachers, principals, and staff members to help families of all backgrounds feel welcome in the school community

Kindness Buddy
Students get a secret kindness buddy to do a kind act for during the week.

Become an Admitter
Students or staff members celebrate humility (“I was wrong”) and practice curiosity (“Tell me more”) so that they can become more comfortable with making mistakes and increase their capacity for open-mindedness.

36 Questions to Help Kids Make Friends
A fun, fast way for students to develop close friendships

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